Exchange Server 2007 OST Question "recovering one mailbox"
Hi,* So i have no idea how the user did this ... but he used to have approx 1.5 GB mail on server.* So he called and now after he, accepting windows problem / create new profile / reboot / outlook opens mail box new work / system reboots / outlook opens mail no more there ... etc etc ... so who knows what he really did but what i know is this .. he did create new profile and or ovewrite his profile somehow with a windows crash and recover or something ... so with that said .. profile loves ost and when you divorce them ... it is no fun!* So i go to server and see that again he or most people have 1.5 GB and he was one of the most poeple that have this size .. however now i go there yesterday and he has 550 MB * So there is the problem and here is the two questions please:* [One] since say yesterday now on server it shows only 550 MB, then what about backup? is backup going to take 550 MB and overwrite the exsisting backup that had a 1.5 GB?* [Two] I need to know if anyone really has used the recover tool in exchange to recover a single mail box?* [Two a.] If so can you please tell me about it? does it work? can you give some good i mean good picture links as I am learning exchange still everyday and i have not done a recover storage group and i really dont want to use the "ems" at moment as it seems to much to deal with at moment and for now if the console tool works, and you have used it ... please tell me outcome, and what really does it do? does it recreate the entire mail for all users and then i pick out the single users data ost? strange how i cannot just go get one users box of mail* [Three] Now extra note, I do and did reseach every profile and its content ... only one profile for this user as strange as his explianation was to me .. nevertheless ... i did find the ost in proper spot of 1.5 approx GB ... So yes i tried varuios tools etc .. and did find one tool and it did open quite a bit :) however the cost is 300.00the two companies i seem to like is: tell me your thoughts on these companies or better ones if you can please.So with finding ost and its data ... you can see for my learning knowledge and to save cost ... it would be good for me to not buy tool and yet recover content using the tool we paid big dollar for and that tool is Exchange Server 2007But remmeber ... if i use exchange tool ... please read above again question [One] (does backup overwrite and if does why do a recover using exchange, but if it does really overwrite, this is weird then ... what is the purpose of backup?0* [Four] why does not microsoft make and or sell a tool for such corrution upon a ost file?
January 30th, 2010 11:53pm

Really tough to understand the query, still let me know if i got it correct.You have a user who's mail box size is 1.5 GB. Suddenly, one fine day the mail box size is reduced to 550 MB. Before going for any suggestions , try to find out1. If the user downloaded the emails on the local machine in pst format.2. No way can mails can get vanished.Search on his laptop with *.pst on the whole computer and see if you can get some thing.Now you need to check when the mail box size got reduced. If this was done before the back up, then even in the back up it will 550 MB only.Also the tools that you are talking about are ost to pst converters. if the ost is in good shape and of full mail box size, then i think you can go ahead with nucleus.Raj
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
January 31st, 2010 8:10am

Dear Raj,No user did not download all mail into a pst ... however it was in the default location on local system in ost format of approx 1.5 GB ... but you cannot open a ost with a new profile and or any profile of choice other than the one create with it .. that mean even if say you have a current ost .. if you take that ost with the profile name say "joe" .. if you take that ost to a external drive ... dump "joe" profile ... then log back onto a new domain profile as "joe" again all same user name and password .. then you set up outlook again on the new profile .. then go to the default location of the ost on local drive .. rename it to old or something and then bring back the ost you put on ost ... and remember ost on exteranl was from same user .. so you bring it back to local system place into default path .. and open outlook .. it will not reconize it, for an ost is tied with profile .. you lose the profile that creatted it you are screwed, which is the weirdest thing to me .. but thats me ... so you to be clear again .. user somehow got ost on sytstem so that answer your question please ... not pst please help .. i really dont think you underrstood what i wrote .. as i have no idea where you get the concept that pst is on system .. when i am taking pure outlook 2007 exchange server .. all that means ost, only time we talk pst is to convertbut anyway ... i thank you very much for you response .. i really hope someone that understand exchange can help .. espeically about the part of did they back up using the recover toolthank you again
January 31st, 2010 11:20am

Man, first and fore most you need to see is , where are the mails ? how come the size went down from 1.5 to 500MBs.Also now you need the Nucleus converter to convert the ost to pst.Raj
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
January 31st, 2010 1:23pm

Hi,Do you have any backup data for the Exchange server before this issue occurred? If you have, we can use Recovery Storage Group to recover that mailbox.ThanksAllen
February 3rd, 2010 12:54pm

Hello,follow the following KBHow to recover or to restore a single mailbox in Exchange Server 2003 Recovery Storage Group in Exchange 2007 Kumar | MCSE - 2K3 + Messaging | ITIL-F V3
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
February 5th, 2010 7:04pm

Get Demo completely free of cost to check the efficiency of the OST Repair software. Users can simply carry out OST file repairing task effectively with ease. OST Repair 2007 tool is designed to Repair Outlook OST File of MS Outlook 2003, XP, ME, Vista, 2010, 2007 and repair your emails, contacts, tasks, calendar, and journal corrupt OST file. More information:-
June 25th, 2011 5:49am

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